
Response to Group Assignment Post #4


FedEx provides various tools supporting their customers in supply chain management processes, they are:

- Inventory management
FedEx EC-Inventory Visibility provides updated inventory and warehouse management information for pocurement processes to customer on internet. Customer could access, maintian and track the status of their goods online, which streamline the supply chain process.

- Fullfilment management / Order Management
FedEx EC-Manufacturing Visibility for monitoring and controlling the inbound supply chain. Inbound shipment of components and raw materials could be tracked online, more accurate prediction and forecasts on lead time help better production planning for the customers. http://www.fedex.com/hk_english/ebusiness/ebiztoolsecmanufact.html)

- After-sale distribution management
FedEx EC-Return Management handles returns, repairs and replacements with a superior level of after-sale service. It helps in budgeting, costing, warehouse record planning accordingly.

- Warehouse management
FedEx EC-Warehouse Management satisfies the demands for inventory and warehouse management. It builds customer confidence and satisfaction by providing an Internet-based post-sales system for handling returns, repairs and replacements with a superior level of after-sale service.

- Transport management
FedEx Logistics Solutions with the combination of air ground and IT networks, which together provide logistics and distribution solution. http://www.fedex.com/hk_english/ebusiness/ebizlogdistr.html)


The above mentioned tools are mainly internet-based systems, and would have to be customized. But FedEx do provide web-based systems for their customers using the website for handling supply management process.
Customers can create an online account (http://www.fedex.com/hk_english/registration/account.html) for preparing and placing shipments, tracking shipments and processing the bills online. Also, FedEx provides FedEx Ship Manager® which is a web-based system for processing shipping adminstration online. It gives the customers centralized control and administration over the decentralized and global shipping.
(http://www.fedex.com/us/shippingadmin/index.html) / (http://images.fedex.com/us/fsm/passkey/documents/FSM_ShpAdmin_Lvbh_US_030708.pdf)

1 則留言:

  1. Well-written and comprehensive answer. I appreciate the links to references that you have included.
